Ir. Sukarno-known or more people with the name of Indonesia Bung Karno-sheet in the history of recorded ketatanegaraan Indonesia as President of the Republic of Indonesia first. But his role in the struggle of Indonesia is actually far more extensive. He, along with Drs. Moh. Read-Hatta Proclamation Independence of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, so given the citation, Mr. Proklamator. In addition, he also recognized as the Father of the (founding fathers), which generate a lot of play in, to provide identity of the nation and lay the foundation and of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, the first dilontarkan on 1 June 1945.
Bung Karno was born in Surabaya on 6 June 1901. His father was a teacher named R. Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, while his mother, Nyoman Rai, is a noble relatives in Singaraja (Bali).
Since a young age, even when still in school at HBS (Hogere Burger School, high school at the high school) Surabaya, he has to fight for independence of his people, the organization entered the Tri Koro Darmo, youth organizations, which then changed its name to Jong Java. Even semasih in the Bung Karno HBS also began writing political articles against colonialism in the Dutch newspaper Sarekat prominent Islamic leaders, HOS. Tjokroaminoto, Oetoesan Indies.
Setamatnya from the Technische Hoge School Bandung (now the Bandung Institute of Technology), he refused to become a colonial government officials. Conversely on 4 July 1927 with Mr. Sartono, Ir. Anwari, Mr. Sunario and others he founded PNI, a political party that has a program to achieve the independence of Indonesia. 1927 was also a fight for the Bung Karno PPPKI (plot-Party Politics party Kebangsaan Indonesia), as a mix of organizations and political parties that fought for the independence of Indonesia, including PNI, PSII, Budi Utomo, Pasundan, Sumatranen Bond, and The Betawi.
Because of political activities in 1930 Bung Karno colonial government arrested and later sentenced dijatuhi during 4 years. Landraad speeches in defense of the title Bandung Indonesia stir the international contest, so that the colonial government on 31 December 1931 Bung Karno had to deliver before the punishment is complete.
Sekeluarnya from prison Sukamiskin Bung Karno activities was not reduced. In fact, he decided to enter Partindo (Partai Indonesia), and the party that led the radical magazine, Ra'jat mind. Year 1934 Bung Karno exiled to Ende (Flores), and then in 1938 moved to Bengkulu.
As the internment, Bung Karno still spreading ideals of freedom. Since in the Bung Karno Ende establish a repertory Kelimutu given name, and had a stage karangannya stories, such as "Dr. Syetan "and" 1945?. Activities are forwarded in Bengkulu. Even in the seclusion of the new Bung Karno active in educational activities through the Muhammadiyah.
When the Japanese attacked Indonesia, the Netherlands by Bung Karno be brought to Australia. But the fact that the plan failed, so the fall in the Bung Karno saber Japan. Recognizing the influence of the size of the Bung Karno among the people of Indonesia, Japan, finally brought to Bung Karno Jakarta.
Appropriate agreement between the leaders of the movement, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta struggling in the middle of the occupation, while Sutan Sjahrir move under the ground. On 1 June 1945, in front of the council investigators efforts Preparation Independence Indonesia, Bung Karno convey ideas about Pancasila, as the basic philosophy of Indonesia Merdeka. In the end of the trial BPUPKI, sila-sila in Pancasila was passed to include in the Opening of the 1945 Constitution.
After knowing that genuflect to the Japanese partner, on August 17, 1945 Bung Karno and Bung Hatta read proclamation of independence in the home page in the Bung Karno Pegangsaan Road 56 East Jakarta. A day later, the council committee in the Indonesian Independence Preparation Bung Karno acclamation elected to become the first president of the Republic of Indonesia.
The efforts to return Dutch colonialism colonize Indonesia, Bung Karno decided Hijrah to Yogyakarta and led the struggle of the city. Just after the round table conference in The Hague recognize the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno and the whole range of government to return to Jakarta.
Thanks to the leadership of the Bung Karno States of the Republic of Indonesia originally planned to fail and the Netherlands on 1 August 1950 Indonesia back into United States. Bung Karno finally succeeded in refining the United States after the Netherlands are willing to submit to West Irian in Indonesia in 1962.
During the President of the Republic of Indonesia Bung Karno also continue to defend the independence of colonial countries. Thanks to the organizing idea of Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung in April 1955, a number of countries in the Asia-Africa successfully obtain independence. Bung Karno not constantly striving for world peace, such as the way the Conference Non-block with a number of third world leaders such as Nehru, Nasser, Tito and Nkrumah. Thanks to the Bung Karno perjuangannya it also received the title Hero of Islam Asia-Africa. Weekly Time and the international influence in the world to enter in the Bung Karno influential figures in the Asian century-XX, with Nehru, Nasser and Mao Zedong.
Bung Karno own time is very unusual. No wonder the observer said, for 100 years has not been born in Indonesia of a figure such as Bung Karno. He was not only known as a great orator, but also skilful diplomat.
Bung Karno get a degree Doctor Honoris Causa from 26 universities in and outside the country. Apart from the universities in Indonesia such as the University of Gajah Mada University, Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Padjadjaran University, Hasanuddin University and the Institute of Islam Negeri Jakarta, as well as from universities in other countries. Among them, Columbia University (United States), Berlin University (Germany), Lomonosov University (Moscow), Al-Azhar University (Cairo). Various scientific fields indicate broad insight Bung Karno. Not only in the Engineering, but also in the Social Sciences and Politics, Science Law, Science History, Philosophy and Science Ushuluddin.
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