Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tips & Tricks, Windows, Auto Run, Tips, Virus Tips to prevent a virus

Most of Indonesia's virus spreads via Flash Disk, namely by using autorun feature. So when the Flash Disk into the USB ditancepin, autorun.inf file that created the virus will automatically run the virus file.
In my experience, prevent virus entry easier than eliminating viruses. Because if the computer had been infected with the virus, though it removed my antivirus using tetep feel a little heavy. So prevention is better than a cure that's true.

In this way, I am not afraid of my computer running without anti virus. Want to know how?

Since most viruses use the autorun feature, so stay aja tuh disable autorun. There are several ways to do it, can pake software, edit the registry, ato through group policy. I explained the Group Policy aja yah, that's easy.


1. Open the "Group Policy" (Start -> Run -> type: gpedit.msc)

2. Open the "Administrative Templates" in the Computer Configuration, continued to click "System"

3. Search for menu "Turn off Autoplay", double click

4. Select "Enable" and set to "All drives"

5. OK

That way, the virus from the Flash Disk will not directly attack when ditancepin to USB. But this way has no meaning if you double-click the Flash Disk from My Computer.


Do not double-click the Flash Disk from My Computer, because it just wrote run the autorun file that had been disabled. Kalo would like to open Flash Disk, explore aja. Ato press combination keys: Windows + E, and then open from the left panel.

If this combined with the Show Hidden Files, the virus that is in Flash Disk can be removed manually kliatan and without anti-virus (kalo infected computer belom loh).

Changing Registry via the Command Prompt:

Open a Command Prompt (Start -> Run -> type: cmd) Enter the following command:

Disable autorun CD-ROM:

REG ADD HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ CDRom / v Autorun / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f

Disable autorun specific drive

REG ADD HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Pol icies \ Explorer / v NoDriveTypeAutoRun / t REG_DWORD / d value of f
REG ADD HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Pol icies \ Explorer / v NoDriveTypeAutoRun / t REG_DWORD / d value of f

Fill in the values below:

0 × 1 = Disables AutoPlay on drives of unknown type
0 × 4 = Disables AutoPlay on removable drives
0 × 8 = Disables AutoPlay on fixed drives
0 × 10 = Disables AutoPlay on network drives
0 × 20 = Disables AutoPlay on CD-ROM drives
0 × 40 = Disables AutoPlay on RAM disks
0 × 80 = Disables AutoPlay on drives of unknown type
0xFF = Disables AutoPlay on all kinds of drives

For example if you want to disable autorun of all drives, then:

REG ADD HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Pol icies \ Explorer / v NoDriveTypeAutoRun / t REG_DWORD / d 0xFF / f
REG ADD HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Pol icies \ Explorer / v NoDriveTypeAutoRun / t REG_DWORD / d 0xFF / f


Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra said...

Meskipun tidak ngerti copas dulu...
palagi koment yang pertama

Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra said...

Komentar saya masuk tidak yang pertama?

Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra said...

he...he... ternyata pake Moderasi..
met pagi Dinda.

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