Sunday, December 27, 2009

Download, Mobile, Info, Internet, Tips & Tricks, 3rd, Free, Internet, Nokia, Opera, Three Three free internet and Opera Mini

Opera Mini from Opera web browser for personal computers, which have been generally available since 1996. Opera Mini was originally designed for mobile phones that have been able to connect to the Internet. Opera Mini was first introduced on August 10, 2005 as a pilot project in cooperation with the Norwegian television station TV 2. At that time, Opera Mini is only available to subscribers TV 2.

Opera Mini screenshot Internet gratis Three dan Opera Mini
Do you know if the Three (3) combined with Operamini can make unlimited free internet? This time I will discuss about tricks free internet Operamini and Three. Here's how:

First prepare symbian phone. (I tried with the Nokia N-GAGE).
Both prepare three initial cards are still in the grace period.

Third download Operamini DISINI, and follow the following ways ...

Create 3mms access points as follows:

Press the Menu>> Tools>> Settings>> Connection>> Access points> Options>> New access point> Use default settings. The following data and content ...

Connections name: 3mms
Barer Data: GPRS
Access point name: 3mms
User name: 3mms
Prompt password: No
Password: 3mms
Authentication: Secure
Gateway IP address:
Connection security: Off
Sesion Mode: Permanent
If access points have been created 3mms install operamini on your mobile phone ... When I go to Menu>> Extra>> Applications>> Operamini. Use 3mms when asked to use Access point where ...

Good internet unlimited ...


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