JAKARTA - workplace accidents occurred in the Airport Pondok Cabe, Tangerang, yesterday. A Super Puma helicopter belonging to charter airlines, Pelita Air Service (PAS), which is being "reviewed" and suddenly roll back somersault on the ground. As a result, two died tersambar mechanical rotor heli, while the pilot and a technician who survived are in the cockpit.
Both victims are killed Suparja Ahmad, 54, of Kampung Gondrong, Tangerang, and Sri Setiabudi, 44, of Estate Earth Pelita Kencana Blok A Pondok Cabe, Tangerang, Banten. For the purposes otopsi, the second corpse dievakuasi to RS Fatmawati. Meanwhile, the National Committee of Transportation Safety (KNKT) is still investigating the cause of the accident which occurred at 10:00 WIB is.
"We have to send two investigator to investigate the accident, the Capt Toos Sanitioso as Inspector in Charge (IIC) and Sulaeman," said Chairman of the KNKT Tatang Kurniadi time confirmed yesterday.
Heli nahas numbered registration PUH-PK is not a drop from the air. The accident occurred when the heli is still in front of the land set Hanggar. Heli was reversed because the estimated loss of balance. "Restaurants are not flying or want to fly, but the checks are routine," said Tatang.
Head of Public Communication Center Bambang S. Department of Transportation Ervan add, other than the KNKT, Dephub sent two inspectors to investigate this event. That is a pilot who acts as the principal operations inspector (POI) and qualified as a principal maintenance inspector (PMI). "Both envoys from the Directorate Kelaikan Aircraft and Flight Operations, the Directorate General of Air," he said.
Bambang explained, the information received, heli that dipiloti Capt. Adi Rahman was shaky and fell to the left during a ground run-up. That was a routine inspection to check all the equipment without the need diterbangkan. "I spelled out, when the engine on, the helicopter lost control and rolled. Many theories that can be a cause of the accident," he said.
Some estimate approach might be the causes of the accident. Of them, according to Bambang, lap RPM (rotation per minute) that is not the same between the main rotor and propeller behind. Or, screw off the back so that there is no wind storm encouragement from the main rotor. "In addition, the type of heli Puma is the main rotor can sloping to the left or right. Bolco Unlike the fixed (permanent). Kemiringannya perhaps too sharply. Can the operator or the propeller-balingnya not correct," he added.
After the incident, the Super Puma heli-colored base with a white strip with red Pelita Air was immediately covered with blue tarpaulin. Heli nahas that dikabarkan severe damage. Four segment rotor broken main, while the body penyok. Glass front of the left and also destroyed. That can dimaklumi, as heli pancake is hard to land. Evacuation is done at around 12:30. Heli drawn into Hanggar.
Meanwhile, the two conditions remains quite mengenaskan. Suparja Ahmad's body cut in some parts. Meanwhile, the body of Sri Setiabudi split in the chest and left hand. Both died due to exposure rotor helicopter.
Corporate Secretary, Pelita Air Service Guntur Winarko, said PAS is ready to provide insurance to the two engineers who are killed. "This accident, including employment, insurance by Jamsostek. Count-hitungannya we still can not answer," he said.
Guntur said, heli-made Super Puma in France in 1983. Heli is currently rented, either for short or long term. Penyewanya average oil and gas company. Heli that killed two people, according to him, is still eligible to fly. Last used on 27 January. "This is natural, engineers must close heli. Procedures are like that. But, if this human error or what, we still selidiki," he said.
Super Puma used Pelita Air actual assembly IPTN (Terbang Nusantara Aircraft Industry), which changed its name to PT DI (Dirgantara Indonesia) - on the license Aerospatiale, France. Super Puma is made as a larger version of the previous model, Puma. Helicopters of this type of behavior is all over the world. More than 1,000 companies have helicopters, and 37 more countries have militernya version. Since 1990, the military version of Super Puma got a new name: Cougar. (Wir / NW)
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