Sanur beach is a place famous tourist travel on the island of Bali. This place is located just east of Denpasar, the capital of Bali. Sanur was in Badung regency.
Sanur beach is the location primarily for surfing (surfing). Especially the waves of Sanur is famous among foreign tourists. Not far off Sanur Beach is also the location of diving and snorkeling tours. Therefore friendly conditions, this dive site can be used by the divers of all levels of expertise.
Sanur beach is also known as Sunrise beach (sunrise beach) as opposed to Kuta Beach.
nice info sister, well ada AWARD sederhan neh buat kamu sis, cek disini ya >> AWARD PERTAMA
I love visit here...
I love everyday go to beach a lone...
dah bisa coment sekarang, kayanya adek pernah k sanur ya mas aja belum pernah cm dpt crta dr temen2nya mas.. kapan y mas bisa k bali he.... he...
sebenarnya mas lebih seneng d love is beauty, karena d sini mas g bisa bahasa inggris jd mas comennya juga asal2an, kalau adek g suka y tinggal delete aja he... he...
I never go there.other beaches are also necessary in promoting
salam sahabat
ehm..good posting kayak tahun kemarin dg boss dateng ealah bagus cuma sampah masih berserakan sekarang gimana ya???thnxs ya aq dah follow n siip dech dirimu kreativ banget ya dg berbagai blog..good luck ya..
Kayaknya pantai di seluruh Pulau Dewata Bali sudah bersih semua.
Mungkin sering ada pembersihan, karena banyak acara upacara Agama ataupun upacara adat.
Trima kasih buat semua sahabatku yang mau berkomentar disini.....
Mas Rizky pakai bahasa Indonesia JUGA GAK APA-APA kok mas...
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